Spotting Green Flags: Signs You're Dating a Keeper
Recognizing green flags in dating is essential for a lasting relationship. Look for respectful communication, emotional availability, and a supportive partner who celebrates your achievements. Shared values like honesty and integrity, effective conflict resolution, and consistency in effort are key. A partner who respects your boundaries and demonstrates kindness in social interactions is a keeper. Prioritizing these qualities builds a joyful, stable, and enriching partnership.

Date Night Delights: Culinary Creations to Sweep Your Date Off Their Feet
So, you’re ready to take the next step and invite someone over for a home-cooked meal – what’s next?
Picture this: you’ve got a date coming over, and you want to dazzle them with your culinary skills. But where do you start? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with foolproof meal ideas that are sure to impress even the most selective palates.

Beyond Swiping: Crafting Authentic First Dates in the Digital Age
In an age where digital connections often feel fleeting and superficial, "Beyond Swiping: Crafting Authentic First Dates in the Digital Age" offers a refreshing perspective on online dating. Gone are the days of mindlessly swiping through profiles, reducing potential matches to mere images on a screen. Instead, this guidebook encourages a shift towards more meaningful interactions, emphasizing the art of crafting authentic first dates. From thoughtful conversation starters to creative date ideas, this book equips readers with the tools they need to transcend the limitations of traditional dating apps and cultivate genuine connections in the digital realm.

WTF Is Stacked Dating And Should I Be Doing It?
What if I told you there was a way for you to date while running errands like grocery shopping, picking up your dry cleaning, and dropping off an Amazon return? Well get ready – there’s a new dating trend called “stacked dating.” If you think you’ve heard of it before, you probably have… but like most things that are revived, there’s a new twist.

Time Out! It’s The New Year And I’m Entering My Travis Kelce Era
While haters love to hate on T-Swift’s love life, it seems everyone recognizes that new beau Travis Kelce is different from the rest. There’s something to be learned from his actions and the nature of their relationship and it can be summed up in three words: admiration, support, and above all else, consistency.

Dating Gets Frich
Beyoncé may have said that girls run the world, but (unfortunately) we all know that what really makes the world go ‘round is money 💸🤑. However, it can be a bit of a touchy topic to bring up when dating, so to save you the awkwardness of wondering what everyone else thinks, we partnered up with social finance app Frich to conduct a deep dive into dating-related financial topics.

Help! I Think I’m Dating a Robot!
In this age of AI, you may find yourself wondering at what point the line between human and AI becomes indistinguishable - and you wouldn’t be the only one! AI is popping up everywhere, and popular uses range from planning trip itineraries to preparing blog posts (this one was written by a human!) to writing dating app DMs. So how can you know that the person you’re talking to is actually investing their energy in you and not just passing off your conversation to a robot? Or scarier yet, how do you know they’re a real person?! Don’t fret, we got you.

What on Earth are Beige Flags?!
Maybe you’re already a beige flag expert… or maybe you’ve heard the term floating around TikTok… or maybe this is the first time you’ve encountered it. Regardless, the idea of a beige flag is pretty interesting, and, as it joins the list of colorful flags we use to talk about dating and relationships, here’s a quick take on what they are and why they may not be as bland as their name suggests.

5 Books That Involve Dating Apps
Given the popularity of dating apps and how often people meet through them these days, it's no surprise that stories of dating apps would crop up in fiction. Here are some books that reflect that feeling of simultaneously knowing and not knowing the person you're falling in love with, the rush of getting a new text or call notification from your beau, and the anticipation of meeting them in person.

How to Meet New People as an Adult
As we slowly come out of a global pandemic and in an age when many of our social interactions have been relegated to our phones, meeting new people can seem like a daunting task. So we at Blink Date have compiled a list of easy ways to make new connections. Whether you’re looking for new friends, a relationship, or even a community, you’re sure to find your place by using our tips on how to meet new people in 2023.

Spooky Dating Ideas for Fall
Fall is upon us – the season of falling leaves, spooky stories, and pumpkin spice lattes brings with it a plethora of contrasting cozy and chilling activities to do with a date. Light a pumpkin-scented candle and check out this list of possibilities!

5 Tips for Navigating Dating Apps as an Introvert
Online dating can be hard for introverts, but it also offers introverts a chance to connect with people they otherwise might not meet. If you're an introvert looking for tips on how to maximize your experience online dating, look no further! %u

Six Creative Date Ideas to Heat Up Your Summer
It’s finally that time of year again. The days are longer, your air-conditioning bill is higher, and everyone’s a bit, well, happier. It’s summertime, and as sunshine welcomes you back into its warm embrace, you might find yourself searching for an embrace of another kind.
So as you emerge from hibernation and get back into the dating scene, here are six summertime date ideas to help break (and melt) the ice.

The Most Dramatic Season EVER
There are a few true pillars of our current entertainment landscape, including superheros and multiverses and… endless seasons of The Bachelor franchise. Given the simultaneous existence of these two pop culture juggernauts, it isn’t a stretch to think that they may eventually crossover. Lucky for you, dear reader, we’ve done the hard work of thinking through what superhero Bachelor/ette contestant descriptions would look like.

Find Your Green Flags
It’s important to look for both red and green flags when dating. The problem many people have - although they may not realize it - is that they focus more on spotting red flags than looking for green ones (let alone knowing how what they are).

REDFIN Blog: 8 Questions to Ask Before Moving in Together
Moving in with your significant other is an adventure. And while this step in a relationship is undoubtedly exciting, it also has the potential to make or break your relationship. Here are some questions you should talk through with your partner before moving in together.

Dr. Cortney S. Warren: A Conversation About Love & Addiction
Have you ever fallen in love? Been so consumed with your lover that you feel obsessed? If you have, you’ve experienced “love addiction.”

Pandemic-Friendly Valentine’s Ideas for Singles
Meeting new people for Valentine’s 2022 may be a bit different than we may have anticipated. Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, we hope you find something on this list that inspires you to meet new people while staying safe!

New Year, New Dating Goals
It is a new year! Sure, a lot of things have remained from the previous year (ahem… COVID) but we’re excited for the opportunity to step back and assess how we can improve our dating lives. If you’re looking for some tips, dive in!

Red Flags in Potential Partners
Every potential relationship – personal or professional – has signs that can alert you of things to come. Never fear, dear reader – you’ve come to an oracle of red flags to keep an eye out for in all of your potential partnerships.