Safe Dating Tips

At Blink, we believe in curiosity and being open to new experiences (voice-first speed dating!)  With that said, the most important thing is that you feel safe. To help you embark on your online dating adventures, here are some tips.

During the initial online communications

  • Report suspicious behavior

  • Wait to share personal information (including phone number, email, etc.) until you feel comfortable

  • Don’t ever send anyone money

  • Don’t send pictures of yourself until you feel comfortable

Before your first date

  • Try a video chat before arranging any in-person meetups

  • Double-check that who you video chatted with is who they claim to be using social media or other resources

  • Choose a public place that you’re comfortable with to meet up

  • Tell your friends or family where you are going, when, and who you are meeting

During an in-person date

  • Have an excuse to bail if you feel uncomfortable

  • Ask friends or family to check up on you after your date

  • Let a friend or family member track your location using a location tracking app during the date

  • Arrange your own transportation to and from the date

  • Don’t go anywhere non-public with your date

  • Trust your instincts and don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with - you’re dating for you, not to make someone else happy

  • Don’t be afraid to ask bartenders/waiters/pedestrians for help

Online dating can be stressful, but it can also be a lot of fun if you’re careful and safe. We hope these tips are helpful and help you define your boundaries as you meet people online and potentially in real life.


How to Make Dating Serve You, a Series: Introduction


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