How to Make Dating Serve You, a Series: Introduction

Marathon messaging, endless swiping, breadcrumbing, ghosting, situationships — modern dating is straight-up exhausting.

Photo by <a href="">Lyyfe Williams</a> on <a href="…

After weeks, months, and even years of this, we find ourselves deleting all dating apps off our phones and promptly throwing them in frustration across the room. Okay, maybe not throw, but rather, gently toss onto a pile of unfolded laundry from three days ago. Then we download Petfinder, or another animal-finding app — who needs a human partner when we can get a loyal friend? — and swear off dating, and this time, for good.

What if we told you there’s a way to make dating serve you, instead of tear you down?

In this series, we are going to explore some tips and tricks for how to do exactly that. In the first part, we’ll dig into attitudes around dating and how to shift your own. The second part will outline ways to notice and honor your own needs and take time for yourself. The third and final part will showcase how dating is a numbers game that can be optimized, and one you can tilt in your own favor without playing any actual games.

Does this sound interesting to you? Check out our Blink’d Blog over the next few weeks to follow along the journey!

Part I: Attitude is Everything

Part II: Self-Care

Part III: Using Data for Dating

Laura Ciccone

Laura Ciccone (Twitter, LinkedIn) has always had a passion for bringing people together, both professionally and personally. She fully believes life is too short to spend it being miserable, and hopes that through her writing and work that readers will feel inspired to try something new.


How to Make Dating Serve You: Part I - Attitude is Everything


Safe Dating Tips